25 Aralık 2016 Pazar

Guguk Kuşu Kafesten Uçtu

RC Tiyatrosu, Ken Kesey'in ünlü kitabınan Dale Wasserman tarafından oyuna uyarlanan Guguk Kuşu Kafesten Uçtu'yu sunar.

29 Aralık 2016 Perşembe - 3:30 ve 7:30
30 Aralık 2016 Cuma, saat: 7:30

Suna Kıraç Tiyatrosu

Oyun hemşire Ratched tarafından yönetilen bir akıl hastanesinde gerçekleşir. Ratched, halüsinasyonlar, intihar eğilimleri,

aşırı saldırganlık ve daha fazlasını içeren çeşitli hastalıklara sahip karakterleri iyileştirmek ve gerekli disiplini

sağlamak için kuşku duyulan yöntemleri kullanan biridir. Oyunun başında koğuşa tanıtılan kişilerden biri, hapisten

kaçınmak için kamu zihinsel kurumu kullanan, ukala ve sinirli bir kumarbaz olan McMurphy'dir. McMurphy ve Hemşire

Ratched'ın koğuş üzerindeki iktidar mücadelesi oyunda ağırlıklı bir yere sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, oyun "sağır ve

dilsiz" bir Kızılderili olan Şef Bromden'ın monologları ile derinleşmektedir.

RC Tiyatrosu, oyunda karakterlerin cinsiyetini değiştirme konusunda cesur bir tercih yapmıştır. Koğuş erkek bir hemşire

olan Ratched tarafından yönetilmekte, hastaların tümü ise kadınlardan oluşmaktadır.


RC Theater Presents Dale Wasserman's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, based on the famous book by Ken Kesey.

Thursday, December 29 - 3:30 and 7:30
Friday, December 30 - 7:30
Suna Kıraç Theatre

The play takes place in a mental institution run by Nurse Ratched, who uses questionable methods in order to obtain the

discipline needed to heal the patients, which include characters with a diversity of illnesses: hallucinations, suicidal

tendencies, excessive aggression and more. Introduced to the ward early in the play is McMurphy, a cocky and volatile

gambler who is using the public mental institution to avoid work. McMurphy and Nurse Ratched's struggle for power over the

ward is at the center of the play. However, the play reaches deeper with the monologues of Chief Bromden, a 'deaf and

dumb' Native American whose contribution to the ward is paralysis and occasionally sweeping the floor.

RC Theater has made the bold choice of flipping the gender of the cast, with the ward being run by a male Nurse Ratched and the patients being females.

Please contact Jake Becker for tickets to any of these shows.​


23 Kasım 2016 Çarşamba

4 Ekim 2016 Salı

7 Mayıs 2016 Cumartesi

Project on Environmental Issues 10

A Sign of Hope in San Diego

This was one of the most hopeful articles I read about people and climate change. The article was about a Republican mayor Kevin Faulconer in San Diego that planned to make San Diego use 100% renewable energy that will be produced from solar panels and wind. The mayor is an open-minded man that goes to LGBT pride walks, feels responsible for the environment. He took action for environment rights even before he was a mayor. When he became the mayor, he gained the power to change something in order to save the environment. He was able to persuade his Republican friends that his plans had an economic part that would profit them too. When we see other Republicans that say things like, “climate change is a religion” it is an improvement and a relief to see there are Republicans that think this way.

Seeing that there are mayors that care about the wellness of the environment makes me feel full of hope. My neighborhood used to be full of trees, but because of the effort and money it takes to leave a tree in the area that they are going to build a building on, they cut most of the trees. This is one of the reasons I’m into environmental issues. And seeing people that take action without the aim of economical profit makes me want to hug and congratulate them for being a thoughtful person.

If there were more people that would take action for the sake of environment and risk their money for this cause, the world might have not get effected from climate change as much. Taking care of environmental problems requires a lot of money spending. That’s why most people just don’t get into this problem and chose to ignore this fact or refuses to get involved. One of the best things this mayor did was to take the first step in USA, and to convince some other Republicans to help him in this case. If the idea that saving the environment doesn’t require as much money, and it will be a gain in long term, more people will help this problem. And I want to thank mayor Faulconer for taking a big first step.

Project on Environmental Issues 9

How Chickens Are Raised

The issue of animal testing, raise of poultry and cattle in factories is a recent and popular debate topic. The article was about how chickens are tortured while they are being raised and how imbalanced their bodies and genetics are. These poultry grow much faster than a normal chicken, and their bodies are so dysfunctional they can’t even walk properly. Here is a part that explains the condition of chickens,

By day nine, the broiler’s legs can barely keep its oversized breast off the ground. By day 11, it is puffed up to double the size of its cousin. It looks like an obese nine-year-old standing on the legs of a five-year-old. By day 35 it looks more like a weightlifter on steroids and dwarfs the egg-laying hen. (Lawrance)

Also their cages were only the size of an A4 sheet, now they have an extra space that’s area is only one postcard big, which was put after a lot of debating. So all we can say is their life conditions are really bad.

I used to be a vegetarian for some time, but started eating meat again because of the high school exam and some other reasons. When I think about the things these chicken go through, I want to quit eating meat again. Eating meat isn’t worth making poor animals that can’t do anything suffer like this. They are under a curse they can’t control from the moment they are born. And with the genetic disorders they are given to make them easier to sell and take under control, they are treated as meat, but not animals or even living things.

Animals can’t communicate with humans. This is a known fact. But does this really have to mean that because they can’t speak for themselves, they can be controlled in any way we want? They are being tortured just because they can’t communicate. But if they could speak, would we still apply these, or would we stop doing this? I don’t think they should even speak to stop this suffering. Aren’t their screams enough?

PS: After a few weeks I wrote this essay, I quit eating meat again. The paragraph that I wrote about being a vegetarian before is now a present thing and I am a half vegetarian now. By half I mean I don't eat meat when I have other options to chose. If I have another option that doesn't include any meat, I don't eat meat, and I usually do have other options. 

Project on Environmental Issues 8

Environment’s Effect on Scottish Elections

The article was about where the parties for the Scottish Parliament stood in the support for bicycle use in Scotland. The amount of candidates that responded was really low. And most of the ones that responded gave vague answers to the questions that were asked. I really liked the language the article was written in. It was formal but it also had a sincere tone. In the part where the writer said politicians weren’t a good resource to use in a data because they gave vague and “answer-shaped words as answers”. He responded with, “Who knew?” which gave the article a really warm and sincere tone.

I wish environment were valued as much in Turkey, like it’s valued in Scotland. Even when the candidates gave vague answers there were also a lot of candidates that are going to join a bicycle ride to the Parliament. They are trying hard to improve roads for bikers. They are planning to invest some money to bikers and travelers by feet. Also they are planning to fund the infrastructure of bicycles that can be used by almost anyone that wants to use bicycles to travel. By financially helping these they are also helping save the environment, and people of Scotland are going to consider the perspective of the parties on the protection and saving of the environment by the use of bicycles and travellers by feet.

People considering the perspective to environment of a party to chose parliament members shows their level of awareness on environmental matters. Environment protection is one of the most important things to consider because if a party cares about environment, it shows they value the protection of environment more than they value money, which is a rare level of selflessness that can be found in a politician. This research might be about what the candidates and parties think about the investment in the use of bicycles, but it also shows a lot of different things about a politician that might help them gain the elections.

24 Nisan 2016 Pazar

Project on Environmental Issues 7

Humans and Global Warming

Most people know the fact that humans are harming the earth, but the seriousness of the situation isn’t understood, and it’s underappreciated. The article had the evidence that humans have been causing all the global warming since 1950 by the gasses we release to the atmosphere. So by the numerical evidence we now know that we are the reason of global warming and the bad condition the earth is now in.

In the spring break I went to a CIP and two people gave us an education on ecology and earth. There was as discussion, which we discussed the reasons of earth’s pollution, and my a few people said that all the bad effects couldn’t be blamed on humans. But now this article proves that we actually can be blamed because of the pollution. In fact we are the reason of pollution. My friend’s argument was that even if humans do pollute the environment, animals and other living things pollute it as much as we do. Which is again proved wrong with this evidence. Even if there were arguments like these, I found that discussion quite enlightening because it made me look through the opposite perspective in order to make him understand the facts.

I think about all the bad effects of humans on the environment and I think that if we disappeared from earth, nothing would change and things would get better. There is even evidence of this improvement on environment. When humans got out of Chernobyl because of the radioactive supplements around, the nature got back to its old self, the forest got bigger and stronger, wolves started breeding, wild animals and population of animals got bigger. Long story short the nature regained its old power when humans left the environment even when there was so much radiation. It was proved that humans are much worse than radiation even. We need to start getting more careful in order to leave a place to live to our children.


Project on Environmental Issues 6

5 Simple Things to Do

The article I read was to spread more awareness on what could be done to save the earth a bit. The 5 things that are suggested are really easy o do and they will help save the earth even if it’s a small contribution.

The first thing to stop doing is buying paper towels and using cloth instead of them. This can prevent a lot of trees from getting cut.

The second thing to do is not using plastic bags as much and using reusable bags. Plastic bags cause a lot of animals’ death by strangling them.

Third thing is being meat and/or dairy free once a week. You will be healthier and reduce the death of animals. If you don’t consume animals they won’t be produced. There is an overproduction in animals and it is an unhealthy production that has a lot of genetic disorders in it.

Fourth thing is buying secondhand products as much as you can. If you buy things that can be bought from secondhand sellers, they won’t be produced, thus result in saving in needless use of products.

And the last, fifth, one is to carry your own water bottles. This will decrease the amount of pollution caused by the thrown water bottles and the bottle caps that are spread around in nature.

I really liked how this article showed what could be achieved in small changes of what we do everyday. If a thousand people do these, the world would be a lot less polluted. Usually the counter argument that these kinds of things get is that if they don’t do it someone else will, and them doing these useful things won’t change a lot. But it does. They become the 1 in the thousand that makes the world a less polluted place. I personally try to do these even when sometimes they are the hard way. Carrying a water bottle can be hard, and they get lost easily and buying a new one just because of the possibility that they get lost easily is the easy way. But if you try a bit harder not to lose your bottle, you will pollute less. These were one of the easiest 5 things a person can try to do to not pollute the environment and save the earth.


Project on Environmental Issues 5

March Temperature Broke a Record

The article I read was about how this year had the hottest March since 100 years ago. It is a known fact that the Earth is getting warmer and warmer but it’s always shocking for me to see how the world is getting worse year by year. The article gave statistics of the previous years’ and this year’s temperature averages and there was a clear increase in the temperature of the earth.

When I was a kid and I was learning some Turkish idioms, I learnt an idiom that meant; “March is a trickster. It makes you burn shovels (which are used gadgets) in order to get warm.” Even when I was a kid, this idiom didn’t make so much sense to me. I couldn’t figure how March could be so cold that people would burn things they used in daily life. Even though when I was really small, and this idiom didn’t mean anything, as I grew up, I witnessed different temperature Marchs. There were some years were March was actually really cold. One year it even snowed, which was a surprise. As years passed and the human population got bigger and bigger, and the environmental issues with global warming increased, the balance of the seasons got corrupted.

I believe that the reason for all this global warming and environmental issues is the overpopulation of human kind and the love of money. Overpopulation means over consumption and use of the earthly supplies. Also we are responsible of the mess we create with our trash, and the pollution created by our factories and machines. By polluting the environment, consuming plethora of earthly products, and ruining the ecological cycle we are killing this planet that we are living in.

It is a fact that earth’s situation is getting worse every year and the reason is overpopulation and the love of money. When it would snow in March a few years ago, now we go outside with our t-shirts and sometimes with a jacket. Also the statistics support this situation with data. And if we don’t be more careful, we will ruin this planet and turn it into a place that we can no longer live in.


Project on Environmental Issues 4

Floating Solar Farm

The article I read was about world’s biggest floating solar farm in UK that will be opened soon. The solar farm will create a huge amount of energy just by using sunlight, which is unlimited. Also with the elegant design of the head engineer, it is planned to protect the ecology around the place where the solar panels will be floated. So the panels won’t have any bad effects on the ecology, and it will provide lots of energy to the country. It did cost a lot of money, but when the calculations are done properly, it is clear that this energy production will save a lot of money, thus improving the economy. Also it doesn’t end with improving the economy, it doesn’t harm the environment, nor create an ugly image.

When I read this article, all I thought was, “Why aren’t we funding this?” The idea of using solar panels to produce energy is one of the greatest ideas to protect environment and get advantage of the unlimited amount of energy the sun gives us. Most of the cons people tell to this argument are that they are way too expensive to fund, and they look ugly because they cover a lot of space. But when it’s thought deeply, it is visible that by spending a lot of money on this for a short amount of time makes you save a lot of money in the future. Plus it doesn’t use any limited energy supplies, so they money you save won’t have a time limit, and after some time you will gain money from this energy. About the bad-looks of these panels, all I can say is, we can put them in places where they will get sunlight, but won’t stick out, like rooftops. If we put a solar panel on every roof in Istanbul, we’d get a huge amount of space covered with solar panels, thus produce a lot of energy.

All I can say more to this topic is that we need to show and tell more people about the pros of solar panels, and increase the use of them immediately in order to save more energy and decrease the use of limited energies. Of course like most things, going to extremes with the use of solar panels might have a bad effect. So we should put solar panels, as much as our need to energy they produce, which is a lot. A regular solar panel creates enough energy to heat the water tank of a house just by a few hours of sunlight.



13 Mart 2016 Pazar

Project on Environmental Issues 3

Plastic Eating Bacteria

The article was about a newly discovered bacteria that consumed PET. Scientists suggest that if bacteria is put in an environment that only has plastic in it, the bacteria might evolve and adjucts itself to consume plastic in order to survive. But of course there might be disadvantages of this consumption that aren't discovered yet. Scientist also suggest that there might be many kinds of this bacteria that aren't known to human kind. They are observing the abilities of these bacteria to see if they can be used to decrease the amount of pollution.

I think this is a really impressive discovery to get rid of the plastic and the pollution caused by the excess amount of trash and waste. But than I think about the unnotices consequences that might occur if these bacterias aren't observed properly. If we spread this bacteria to consume plastic and then find out it also consumes an organic matter thats found in human body, or worst case scenario it infects plants that are vital for humans. It will be fatal, so before creating more lab producted bacteria that consume plastic, we can try to avoid the maufacture of plastic and turn to recyclable matters.

In order to get rid of most of the pollution caused by plastic, first we need to stop producing more plastic and start proucing and using recyclable matters like glass or wool. -I didn't count paper as a recyclabe product because in order to create paper, we need to cut down trees that aren't easily recyled. And most of the people don't recycle their papers and this causes an even worse effect on Earth.- But when we start decreasing the amount of production caused by plastic and waste dumped in the oceans and seas, if we use this possibly unharmful bacteria to get rid of the excess waste that can't be collected and destroyed.



2 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

Project on Environmental Issues 2

Speech of Leonardo DiCaprio

The article I read is based on how Leonardo DiCaprio chose to make a speech about the effect of world leaders' power that chose to kill this planet and make entreprenerships based on personal values, and not ackknowledging the fact that we are wasting this planet. The article also talked about how DiCaprio was interested in climate cahnge and making an influence about it way before this speech. But this speech was the reason people learnt how he valued this so much.

Everything he said in his speech was relatable for me because I am a person that thinks humans are the only species that don't have any positive effect on the chain of life, but the only thing we do is corrupt and harm this planet for our personal benefits. He also made a point to the elections that USA is going to have soon, and he said they needed to support leaders that cares about the planet and the people that doesn't have the chance to talk more than they care about the money and the power they have. This is something I totally support because there are so many people that earn money from environment and by killing the world in order to make the people with power happier we are also killing those people.

DiCaprio met with people that are known for their researchs in climate change and he tried to get more information about this topic whenever he could. He also attended a lot of climate change protests and tried to brief people about this very important topic that needs to be acknowledged. Personally I am a person that cries every time they cut a tree in my neighbourhood in order to make a new apartment. Or like the time in Gezi Parkı where people resisted the cut down of the entire park in order to make a new shopping mall.

Like the Indian idiom, “When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money”. People needs to see this fact and DiCaprio made a move by spreading this idea to a very large amount of people. Of course this won't be enough, but at least now people have an idea that there is, in fact, a huge climate change that's happening and if we don't start doing something there won't be an Earth left for my childrens.



26 Şubat 2016 Cuma

9 Şubat 2016 Salı

Project on Environmental Issues 1

Bird Population on Scilly Isles

The article on The Guardian is about how the bird population was increased after the non-native rats on the island were killed. The rats caused the were feeding with the eggs and the new born babies of the birds, thus the bird population decreased since the rats first came to the island. Scientists think that the rats came from ships that sank close to the islands. The birds on the islands where important breeds and the researchers where concerned of the increase in the population. Now the islands are rat-free.

In my opinion the rats where a part of the ecological cycle of the isles and by killing them the researchers made an impact on the cycle. But because the rats were “non-native” and they came to the isles it might be acceptable. I don’t think that people should touch nor kill any animals. But I put myself in a dilemma because the reasons the rats were on those isles were humans, so the decrease in the bird population was actually caused by humans. The rats were feeding with the eggs and the baby birds, and thus decreasing the number of the bird population. But the bird population was feeding with other animals too. So the increase on the bird population will affect the other parts of the ecological chain.

When the bird numbers increase, the number of organisms that are eaten by the birds will suddenly decrease. And the animals that started to feed from the rats will suddenly decrease. So by killing the rats they will again change the cycle. The cycle changed when the rats came to the island, but the environment adapted to the rats and some animals started evolving slowly. Now the rats are removed from the environment and those who evolved will now be in disadvantage. Which is all because of humans.

